
Accommodated Testing Services (ATS) is the University of Toronto department that coordinates St. George Campus course quiz, term test, final exam, and online assessment accommodations for students who are registered with Accessibility Services.


I am registered with Accessibility Services on the St. George Campus.

I am authorized for accommodations by my Accessibility Advisor.

I have accommodations for quizzes, tests, exams, and online assessments.

onsite accommodations image For your on-campus assessments, Accommodated Testing Services coordinates on-campus space that meets the requirements of your accommodations. Accommodated Testing Services' invigilators monitor and provide as-needed support.

online accommodations image For your online assessments, Accommodated Testing Services connects with your course instructor or administrator to ensure that your time-based accommodations, including additional writing time and break time (as applicable), are applied.

Register with Accommodated Testing Services for each timed assessment to which you need your accommodations applied:

  • quizzes
  • tests
  • exams
  • online assessments

Note the accommodation registration deadlines.

If your online assessment has an availability period that spans more than one day, register for accommodations for the first date of the assessment, whether or not you plan to write on the first date. calendar image

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Student Guide: Writing Quizzes, Tests, Exams, and Online Assessments with Accommodations

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Updated August 29, 2023

Accommodation Registration Deadlines
Session Term or Final Period Assessment Date Registration Deadline
Fall 2024 Term
Sept 3 to Dec 5, 2024 14 Days' Notice
Fall 2024 Final Period
Dec 6 to Dec 23, 2024 Nov 15, 2024 (opening Nov1 , 2024)
Winter 2025 Term
Jan 6 to April 8, 2025 14 Days' Notice
Winter 2025 Final Period
Apr 9 to Apr 30, 2025 Mar 14, 2025 (opening Feb 28, 2025)

If you miss the accommodation registration deadline, submit a late request for accommodations by e-mail in accordance with the instructions on the Accommodation Registration Form.

pdf icon Accommodation Registration Form (PDF)
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Please note that accommodations are not guaranteed to late registrants. Accommodated Testing Services and/or your Accessibility Advisor will contact you regarding the outcome of your late request for accommodations.

On-Campus Assessment Accommodations

Register with Accommodated Testing Services for each timed on-campus assessment (e.g. quizzes, tests, exams) for which you would like your accommodations coordinated. Ensure that you meet the accommodation registration deadlines.

If you miss the accommodation registration deadline, submit a late request for accommodations by e-mail in accordance with the instructions on the Accommodation Registration Form (PDF). Please note that accommodations are not guaranteed to late registrants. Accommodated Testing Services and/or your Accessibility Advisor will contact you regarding the outcome of your late request for accommodations.

If you miss the accommodation registration deadline, submit a late request for accommodations by e-mail in accordance with the instructions on the Accommodation Registration Form (PDF). Please note that accommodations are not guaranteed to late registrants. Accommodated Testing Services and/or your Accessibility Advisor will contact you regarding the outcome of your late request for accommodations.

Accommodations: When you register with Accommodated Testing Services to have your accommodations coordinated for an on-campus assessment, you will receive all of the accommodations outlined in your academic accommodation plan, as authorized by Accessibility Services.

Location: Most on-campus accommodated assessments are administered at the University of Toronto's Exam Centre at 255 McCaul Street, Exam Room 340. Alternate locations may be used during midterm and final assessment periods.

Date/Time: Most on-campus accommodated assessments are scheduled on the same date and at the same time as the class sitting of the assessment. Accommodated Testing Services will reschedule your assessment automatically if necessitated by your accommodations (e.g. AM Writing Only, PM Writing Only, One Test/Exam Per Day, etc.) or administrative considerations (e.g. Exam Centre closure at 10:30 PM, space and equipment availability).

When your accommodations have been coordinated for your on-campus assessment, Accommodated Testing Services will send you a confirmation e-mail. Typically, you will receive this e-mail one to two business days prior to your assessment.

Always read your confirmation e-mail carefully, specifically noting your accommodated assessment location (which will be separate from your classmates) and start time (which may be different than the original, non-accommodated assessment start time).

If you have not yet received a confirmation e-mail from Accommodated Testing Services by 12:00 PM noon one business day prior to your on-campus assessment, please e-mail Accommodated Testing Services to inquire about the status of your assessment accommodations.

UCheck: Before coming to campus, you must complete UCheck. Upon arrival at the Exam Centre, Accommodated Testing Services staff will ask you to show your green UCheck screen.

Health Screening: Before coming to campus, it is recommended that you complete a health screening using the Provincial health screening tool.

I am authorized for an academic accommodation plan by Accessibility Services. Will my accommodations be automatically coordinated for all of my on-campus assessments?
No. You opt-in to your accommodations on a per-assessment basis by registering with Accommodated Testing Services.

Does Accommodated Testing Services know what my accommodations are?
Yes. Accommodated Testing Services has access to the part of your Accessibility Services file that includes your academic accommodation plan.

Can I just ask the course instructor to give me extra writing time during my in-class assessments?
No. By design, your Letter of Accommodation does not inlude your quiz, test, exam, or online assessment accommodations. This is because Accommodated Testing Services, not individual course instructors or other course staff, coordinates these accommodations.

I have a question about on-campus assessment accommodations. Who should I contact?
E-mail Accommodated Testing Services. Your Accessibility Advisor authorizes your academic accommodation plan, but they do not coordinate your accommodated assessments. You do not need to copy your Accessibility Advisor on e-mails to Accommodated Testing Services.

Online Assessment Accommodations

Register with Accommodated Testing Services for each timed online assessment (e.g. quizzes, tests, exams) to which you would like your accommodations applied. Ensure that you meet the accommodation registration deadlines.

If you miss the accommodation registration deadline, download and complete a late request for accommodations form. Submit your late request for accommodations by e-mail in accordance with the submission instructions on the form. Please note that accommodations are not guaranteed to late registrants. Accommodated Testing Services and/or your Accessibility Advisor will contact you regarding the outcome of your late request for accommodations.

If you miss the accommodation registration deadline, download and complete a late request for accommodations form. Submit your late request for accommodations by e-mail in accordance with the submission instructions on the form.

Please note that accommodations are not guaranteed to late registrants. Accommodated Testing Services and/or your Accessibility Advisor will contact you regarding the outcome of your late request for accommodations.

Accommodations: When you register with Accommodated Testing Services to have your accommodations applied to an online assessment, you will receive all of the time-based accommodations outlined in your academic accommodation plan, as authorized by Accessibility Services. Time-based accommodations may include additional writing time, self-monitored break time, and/or time-of-day requirements (e.g. AM Writing Only, PM Writing Only, One Test/Exam Per Day, etc.).

Location: If your classmates are writing the standard assessment remotely at home or another off-campus self-arranged location, you will write your accommodated assessment remotely as well.

Date/Time: Most online accommodated assessments are scheduled on the same date and at the same time as the class sitting of the assessment. Accommodated Testing Services will reschedule your assessment automatically if necessitated by your accommodations (e.g. AM Writing Only, PM Writing Only, One Test/Exam Per Day, etc.)

When your time-based accommodations have been applied to your online assessment, Accommodated Testing Services will send you a confirmation e-mail. Typically, you will receive this e-mail one to two business days prior to your assessment. Always read your confirmation e-mail carefully.

If you have not yet received a confirmation e-mail from Accommodated Testing Services by 2:00 PM one business day prior to your online assessment, please e-mail Accommodated Testing Services to inquire about the status of your assessment accommodations.

I am authorized for an academic accommodation plan by Accessibility Services. Will my accommodations be automatically applied to all of my online assessments?
No. You opt-in to your accommodations on a per-assessment basis by registering with Accommodated Testing Services.

Does Accommodated Testing Services know what my accommodations are?
Yes. Accommodated Testing Services has access to the part of your Accessibility Services file that includes your academic accommodation plan.

Can I just ask the course instructor to apply extra time to my online assessments?
No. By design, your Letter of Accommodation does not inlude your quiz, test, exam, or online assessment accommodations. This is because Accommodated Testing Services, not individual course instructors or other course staff, coordinates these accommodations.

I have a question about online assessment accommodations. Who should I contact?
E-mail Accommodated Testing Services. Your Accessibility Advisor authorizes your academic accommodation plan, but they do not coordinate your accommodated assessments. You do not need to copy your Accessibility Advisor on e-mails to Accommodated Testing Services.

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Student Guide: Writing Quizzes, Tests, Exams, and Online Assessments with Accommodations

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Updated Jan 23, 2024

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Updated Jan 23, 2024