What is LSM?
University of Toronto, Downtown Campus

Learning Space Management

LSM runs the central or 'shared' space at UofT - both academic (classroom) spaces & shared community (non-classroom) areas.

Academic Spaces (Classrooms and Lecture Halls)

Let's say department "X" has a building with 45 classrooms, but they really only need 35. The remaining 10 classrooms can be designated as 'central' and their management is handed over to LSM. LSM takes over all the maintenance costs for the rooms, and rents out the space to departments across campus. If department "X" finds it sometimes needs more than 35 rooms, they can rent from LSM the 10 LSM rooms - in their building - when they need them. So LSM is "space on demand".

What's the Benefit?

The department benefits because it only pays for the maintenance of space that it actually uses. If a department is in a building larger than it requires, it can out-source (to LSM) the maintenance costs of the unused classrooms.

The University benefits because it gains access (on a rental basis) to more square footage. If another department - department "Y" - sometimes needs 3 rooms more than it has in its building, it can rent out the unused space in department "X"'s building.

This is the UofT ecosystem: a community of departments that maintain a healthy autonomy while still being able to reap benefits of belonging to a much larger community.

How Does it Work?

Departments and groups can rent LSM rooms and spaces through our website. Academic departments are given booking priority. If you have general University space usage requests, contact our office.

For these rooms, LSM becomes responsible for booking, room equipment and furnishings, and technical support - in short, everything inside the room envelope. But if it's not an LSM (or 'central') room, than LSM won't be able to help you with booking or technology. In that case you'll have to find out who owns and operates the space you want, and contact them.

How does LSM make the University better?

LSM makes space usage at the University more efficient. It allows blocks of space on campus to be defined by who uses them - not just by which building they are in.

Classroom Design Standards

Because LSM spends so much time handling classrooms for all different sorts of departments we are classroom experts. We specify what's in there and have to live with the consequences. We specify the simplest, most serviceable, and longest lasting equipment, design and furnishings.

LSM creates and implements standards for classroom design, providing specifications for our own rooms and consultation advice on other builds and renovations. We work closely with manufacturers to select the most usable (and durable) classroom furnishings, and develop audio-visual systems in-house in conjunction with major suppliers. This includes working with accessibility services in providing the space and furnishings required for the broad spectrum of student physical needs in the classroom.

Test and Exam Services

A division of LSM, TES provides exceptional facilities and services for testing and examinations for the wide range of accommodations required by our diverse student body. Test and Exam Services is located in the Exam Center.

The Exam Center

The Exam Center is UofT's first building dedicated specifically to writing tests and exams. The large halls (in a historic industrial building, retro-fitted for our needs) have rows of individual tables that are used year around of testing. Having a dedicated testing facility - and not having to always piggy-back on regular academic halls - has been a huge operational asset to the university, and increases the consistent quality of the testing environment for students.